Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alphabet story...

A little rat named Bob lived at home with his mom and his two brothers Tom and Carl. But one day there mom made them move out on there own. Because Carl was the oldest, he made his house first, he made his house out of cheese. Carl, after a while got hungry and ate his house. Darn, even though Carl knew his brothers would Gloat he went back home to live with his mom. Even though Carl failed, his zany brother Bob decided to live on his own. From wall to wall he made his house out of paper.Giant would be the best word to describe his new house, but when he left the front door ajar the wind just blew his elegant house away, so he had to go back and live with his mom. Hefty Tom decided he would be the only one that could make it on his own.I am the smartest, and I will prevail said Tom. Just as he was leaving he realized he did know what to build his house out of. Keeping his cool he searched for the best materials. Later he found some sticks, but he didn't think they would be strong enough. ''Maybe I will find something better'', Tom said. Near a tree he found some rock, but decided they were to small for his dream house. On the way home... to be continued

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